Favorite looks from Coachella 2016 Weekend 1!

Alden Steimle
Necklace: jnbstyle
Top: She Made Me
Pants: Beach Gold Bali
Sunnies: Perverse Sunglasses
Instagram: Aldensteimle

Alden Steimle
Necklace: jnbstyle
BodySuit: Fern
Shorts: Revolve
Bag: Cleobella
Shoes: Free People

Mimi Elashiry
Necklace: Isabellaquinn
Top: Revolve
Skirt: Sir The Label
Bag: Dylan Kain
Instagram: Mimielashiry

Mimi Elashiry
Necklace/ Bracelet: Maripossa
Dress: Are you am I

Devon Carlson
Bodysuit: Chanel
Hat: Free People
Skirt: American Apparel
Instagram: Devonleecarlson
“WE’VE GOT A RUNNER! WE’VE GOT A RUNNER!” This is what I heard, being yelled into a security guards walkie talkie as I stormed the Coachella gates... IN HEELS!! I hid in some campsites trying to hide from the security guards, with my heart beating out of my chest (seriously though, it felt like I was having a damn heart attack). I met up with my boyfriend in the campgrounds shortly after, as he snuck in by wearing his little brothers loose wristband. Now, as we entered the main security checkpoint, this is where the real fun began. My boyfriend leaned in to scan his wristband while covering his wrist with a sarong, making it apparent to the security guard that he “had no idea how to scan a wristband,” distracting the guard and gaining me some time to sneak with ease right behind his back. It worked! It actually worked! We screamed to the ‘chella gods, thanking them for this gift of free entry. We ran to the Do Lab and couldn’t stop smiling. It seemed so surreal that we didn’t truly understand we were in Coachella until a few hours past by and the reality fully sunk in. That was my first time sneaking in and will probably be my last (sneaking in is exhausting lol).
Kendall Rae
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